Animal Advocacy in our Community
Heightening Awareness of Animal Advocacy in our County
(Monroe County, NY)
We ALL can be doing so much more within our own cities, towns, counties and state to bring the plight of ALL animals in need more at the forefront.
So many wonderful organizations, agencies and individuals are working hard to do just that.
We want to add to these efforts, so what better place to do that but within OUR county?
We recently met with our newly appointed Senator’s office to discuss just that.
Our immediate goals:
- Bringing Animal Advocacy to the Monroe County School System by implementing an initiative called The Homeless Pet Clubs, which is a program (to be utilized as an after-school club, or part of school curriculum) geared towards promoting animal rescue, responsible pet ownership, adoption of shelter animals, and animal welfare. The main focus of this program is to partner a school with a shelter or rescue in order to let the kids develop a campaign to help get animals adopted.
- Michael Good, DMV (founder of The Homeless Pet Clubs), flew in from Georgia to meet with us to describe his vision and goals for these clubs. We kicked off this program in Fall 2016, with our first club established through the Rochester City School District, who has partnered with the Humane Society of Greater Rochester (New York) – Lollypop Farm and Rochester Animal Services (our city shelter).
This program allows interaction and socialization on a different level, so the kids who participate will have more opportunity to not only learn about animal compassion which will be fun and attention-focused, but to also learn to work better and problem-solve together and as they work towards common program goals.
We have been reaching out to local Rescue groups to talk with them about being a Rescue Partner.
- Bringing shelter groups, rescue groups and foster groups together to form a more united community with the common goal of saving and bettering the lives of animals.
- Reaching out to local businesses to gauge their reactions in helping to better promote Animal Advocacy to our community.
- Seeing who is already doing what.
- Best way to “advertise” and heighten Animal Advocacy to help get the word out. We have already selected the advertising medium and agency we will be working with.
- Reaching out to local media groups to see how we can work together to spread the word.
- Getting together with others in our community on any level to formulate a plan together to start the ball rolling more globally.
With so many positives in the news regarding Animal Welfare, this is an exciting time to be a part of something that has the potential to grow into something big and wonderful!
Want to jump on board either to participate or donate your skills to this endeavor? We’d love that! Just reach out to us, and we will get right back to you.
Are you doing anything on this issue?
If you are doing something in YOUR community along these lines, we would love to hear from you, and brainstorm! Contact us!
When it comes to Animal Advocacy, no idea is too small. We can ALL learn AND help one another in our endeavors to make the world a better place for animals in need.
Everyone just needs to start somewhere, so start in YOUR community.