Month: October 2014

Guest Blogger, Kelly Connolly (Attorney)

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Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

Make It a Safe Halloween for your Pets!

Do you believe in Magic? This time of the year is particular magical, holding promises of fun and fantasy for the young and old. After all, Halloween is coming up! For kids especially, that sacred tradition of pretending to be someone-or someTHING-else in order to get sweet treats from your neighbor down the block is a time to look forward to from the moment school begins.

But for every tasty treat this holiday offers your human family, Halloween can play some icky tricks on your furry one. In order to keep your four-legged friends safe this Halloween season, the following is a list of safety tips to follow.

No candy here

  • They say that cats can’t taste anything sweet because they lack a specific protein receptor, but don’t tell me that! My cat loves sweet temptations like ice cream, yogurt, oatmeal with brown sugar, and, of course, chocolate. (By the way, cats aren’t the only animals who can’t taste sweet morsels-dolphins and spotted hyenas can’t either!) But as much as you may want to, please resist the temptation to offer your kitty or doggie a chocolate or candy Halloween snack. Many of these treats today contain Xylitol, a type of artificial sweetener that can make animals, especially dogs, very sick. If large amounts of Xylitol are ingested, it can even prove fatal. Other common Halloween treats could be toxic to animals too, including raisins, Macadamia nuts, and apple seeds.
  • If your pet does accidentally ingest something toxic (ever), you should immediately call your veterinarian or an animal poison center for advice, like the Pet Poison Hotline at 855-886-7965 (online at Just remember, that to keep them truly safe, instead of giving your pets candy or chocolate kisses, give them real ones instead!

Deceptively dangerous decorations

  • Many Halloween decorations have hanging chains, artificial spider webs, and long pieces of rope attached. An inquisitive pet could eat these items, which could then end up twisting inside their intestine or causing a serious intestinal blockage, possibly leading to a life-threatening condition. Dangling, loose, and other smaller decorations can also pose a choking risk to your pet. And, as cute as it may be, try to resist the temptation to dress up your pet Dachshund in a hot dog costume, because many pet costumes also have ribbons and loose threads that can be ingested. It can also stress your pet to be bundled into a restrictive costume on a night that is already going to be hectic and chaotic enough. Lastly, remember to be especially careful lighting that candle in your jack-o’-lantern! You don’t want your fuzzy friend to accidentally knock a candle over in the house or end up with singed whiskers or paws from getting too close to the flame.

Anxious pets and hectic holidays

  • If you’re like me and have a dog who can’t resist charging 100 mph to the front door at the ringing of the doorbell, or a cat who likewise scrambles under the bed at the sound of outside footsteps, do the right thing by putting them in a room away from the activity and making sure to close the door behind you. The constant stream of trick-or-treaters can be a huge stressor for a pet who is not used to constant stimulation. Out of fear, stressed animals are more likely to act angrily towards other people and animals.
  • The combination of a stressed-out dog and a sugar-stimulated child could result in disastrous consequences for that child, and for you, too. So throw your buddies their own Halloween party by finding an empty bedroom or closet, putting on some soft music or a white noise machine to drown out scary sounds, setting out fresh water, and laying down a comfy blanket or sweatshirt for your four-legged little monster to curl up on. And don’t forget the biscuits and catnip!

Always by your side

  • On Halloween and “Mischief Night” (the night before All Hallows Eve), there are always people who try to wreak havoc on your neighborhood. Toilet-papering trees and decorating your mailbox with shaving cream can be the least of it. Black cats may be lucky in Ancient Egypt, and modern-day Scotland and Japan, but there are some people who don’t feel the same way. On Halloween night, with so many people roaming the streets, there may be some who want to steal your pet, or any animal, regardless of color, for decidedly nefarious purposes. To be on the safe side, make sure your animals remain inside for several days, or even weeks, before and after Halloween. And remember that for pet cats, the only truly safe place for them to be is inside your house!

Identification Required

  • Always make sure your pets wear a collar, regardless of whether they are indoor-only or outside-friendly. On Halloween in particular, it is very easy for an animal to escape unnoticed through a constantly-opening door. Halloween is chock full of outdoor activities that could scare and traumatize even the friendliest and most outgoing of pets, so make sure your companion’s collar lists your cell phone number along with your home number in case you are out looking for your pet and their rescuer can’t reach you at home. And always have another collar made with your pet’s new address every time you move. This may mean the difference between a pet who ends up hopelessly wandering unfamiliar and dangerous terrain, and one who comes back safely to a happy and healthy home.

These are just a few safety precautions you can take to make All Hallows Eve as fun for your pets as it is for your children. Remember though, that accidents can happen, so you want to have your vet’s emergency number on hand, along with a list of your pets’ medications and medical conditions. All you need to do is treat your four-legged friends as carefully and with as much love as you do your two-legged ones. And I hope you and your pets have a safe and happy Halloween! Boo!

Kelly Connolly is an Eastern attorney who got her start in companion animal protection after attending Tufts Veterinary School for her master’s degree. For many years she worked at an animal protection organization focusing on pet issues like adoption, safety, health, and legislation. She has also volunteered for pet therapy programs, shelters, and rescue organizations. Her many interviews include: The New York Times, USA Today,, WJLA-TV, and WICC radio. She shares her home with two adopted cats, a 19-year-old Maine Coon mix named Gator, and an 11-year-old Silver Tabby named Butternut, who amuse and inspire her every day.

Animal Advocacy Guest Blogger Thank You Janet Bovitz Sandefur


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Guest Blogger, Daisy’s Rescue (NJ)

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Welcome to Daisy’s Rescue. We are all about helping owners and rescue groups to learn helpful tricks and tips on how to take care of your dog(s). We are here for you to help with useful information on all types of routine dog care. Please feel free to leave comments and questions you may have for us. For your convenience we have added links to the products that we like to use, here in the article for you to find them more easily.

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

Today’s session is about Making signs for that Protest or “Education” Campaign.

I’ve been part of some “education” campaigns that were about Puppy Mill Awareness. Everything was all set up, the organization was done. The time and place was set. Everyone was briefed and then you show up and …. you have nothing to hold. Well today we are going to explain how you can get signs at a very low cost. If fact most cases there is no cost.

In October and November of every year in the US, we have a series of events…called elections. This is a good thing, because these are going to be your source of signs.  Many towns across the US have passed laws that required politicians to remove all their campaign signs with in a few days after the elections. This is where you come in. You can ask the politician’s by calling their office and asking to remove the signs for them (again after the election). I usually wait a few days and I pick up signs that have been left out and forgotten about. I’m not telling you to steal the signs or do anything Illegal, saying that there are many unwanted signs that are now trash that can be recycled for use to help save dogs lives. A few years ago, I was picking up signs in the end of November. I had about 15 to 20 that were along back roads that everyone forgot about. I stopped and picked them up and drove away. I helped the politician, by removing the sign, and helping him comply with the law.

The signs come in many sizes and shapes. Some of them are the more expensive kind, are  corrugated plastic with a metal wire “H”. The “H” goes into the ground and the sign goes on the “H” wire. If you were to purchase these sign yourself, they might cost about $3.00 a sign and you have a minimum order of 100 (Corrugated Plastic 4MM WHITE Sign Blanks – 24″x18″ BNDL/25) , and Standard “H” Frame Wire Stakes (Pkg of 25/$.95 ea) – Yard Sign Stake – Use with 4mm Corrugated Signs).

The cheaper signs are printed poster paper folded over a “N” frame and staple together so it stays on. Surprisingly, they are pretty weather resistant. I have not priced these signs if you were to purchase them, but they should be cheaper.Once you have a nice collection of signs, it is time to repurpose them. The first thing you need to do is cover the politicians name. I have found that you need to use a gray or white primer spray paint to cover the sign. I like to use Krylon Semi-Flat White spray paint, because you can re-coat at any time, unlike Rust-Oleum (Rust-Oleum 12 oz. Spray, Flat Light Gray Primer), which requires you to re-coat before 1 hour or after 48 hours. Once the signs are primed, you can cover them with a flat white paint.

I use about 2 inch stencils to write my message. You can use black paint, or a color to bring attention to your sign. After all the stenciling is done, you can spray a different bright color around the edges of the sign or leave it white. I then spray the sign again with clear gloss to protect the sign (Krylon Crystal Clear Gloss Spray Enamel).

I like to keep my messages generic , so I can use them at more than one protest or education campaign. If you make them specific to a store, you are committing those signs to that campaign. That can be ok, but if you work with a few different groups or a group that has a couple campaigns, you are now required to have a few signs. When you are thinking about your message, you have to remember that, your audience is driving by at speeds that are not going to allow them to see small detailed messages that are paragraphs. They are going to be able to read two to three lines of large type. Be careful about using pictures. I was on one protest and the group had expensive large signs of horribly abused and neglected dogs pictures. They thought they were the greatest thing. Problem, people driving by saw these horrible pictures of dogs, nothing else. These people did not associate the signs with the pet store or puppy mills, they only saw a bunch of pictures that “Those crazy animal rights people” were showing.  Because they saw the pictures only, they were of no use to educate the public. It’s more important to get your message across in a clear fashion, rather than the “shock” value of an abused dogs. You want people to associate your sign and message with the store or subject of your  campaign.

Good luck! DO NOT Steal any signs, always ask permission! Now you have a economic way to make signs for your campaigns. If anyone has any other tips and suggestions, please let us know. We love sharing your comments. Remember you can get all your shopping needs through our amazon portal.

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Guest Blogger, Kelly Connolly (Attorney)

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Pet Adoption

Perhaps the Beatles said it best when they sang, “All You Need Is Love.”

Love is the defining element of any friendship. It is the strongest emotion capable of either bolstering or breaking a bond. Love can also be hard-requiring patience, understanding and time for both individuals to develop lasting relationships.

Come Together
By adopting a pet from a shelter or rescue group, people can truly develop a simple and unbreakable bond with a companion animal. Adoption offers a pet another chance at a happy and healthy life-and sometimes the owner as well.

This was the case with a couple who adopted a dog from Marshall County Animal Shelter in Moundsville, W.V.

Barb Scanlon, a staff member at the shelter, recalls the time she worked with a retired couple looking for a new companion animal. Scanlon remembers that this woman’s husband was restricted to a wheelchair, and the couple was looking for a small dog to keep him company.

The woman, Joyce, came in alone one day to visit the dogs. As Joyce walked through the shelter, Scanlon could tell that she was a little hesitant. When Joyce noticed a rather unattractive dachshund in a cage, Scanlon wasn’t sure at first that there would be an adoption match. But after letting Joyce hold the dog and experience the canine’s sweet disposition, Joyce fell in love with little Nattie and adopted her in spite of her looks.

“If I had sent a list of characteristics for the perfect dog along with Joyce, you couldn’t have filled it any better,” said Joyce’s  husband in a call to Scanlon a fewdays later. Joyce’s husband had fallen in love with Nattie’s inner beauty, too.

We Can Work It Out
In order for a bond to successfully develop between a human and pet, sometimes minor details have to be worked out, whether they are behavioral, social, or medical. Consider the story of Caleb.

Originally a stray cat, Caleb was found outdoors the night before a big storm. He was filthy and dangerously malnourished. Caleb was rescued just in time by the Bloomington Animal Shelter in Bloomington, Ind., whose staff cleaned and fed him. When Amanda Cooks, a potential adopter, came along, she couldn’t resist the scrawny tabby. She knew that Caleb would require special care at first because of his extreme malnourishment, but that didn’t stop her from taking him home.

Cooks said that at the beginning, Caleb “was desperate for attention and would eat until he was sick.” But after more than a year of steady care and attention, Caleb is now one of the family and a completely “He no longer has to eat and eat,” Cooks said. “My husband and I agree that Caleb is the nicest and most grateful cat that we have ever met.”

Sometimes a little extra attention might be necessary for your pet. Sometimes it’s a matter of having a little more patience, and the human caregiver needs to be trained a little bit as well. In the end it’s well worth it, as Cooks and Caleb found out together.

Can’t Buy Me Love
It’s estimated that 6 to 8 million cats and dogs enter U.S. shelters each year. There are only an estimated 3500 shelters in the country-plus an unknown number of smaller, local and home-based rescue organizations-so there are simply not enough resources for homeless animals to be rescued.

The good news is that love is up for adoption at your local shelter and rescue organization. By choosing to adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue organization, and not purchasing one, you can help to reduce the number of homeless pets. Spaying and neutering your pets can also help free up much-needed room at shelters and rescue organizations to house and offer other homeless animals new lives.

Love Me Do
The relationship between a human and their pet can be a wonderful bond. Pets offer unconditional love to their human caregiver, and in return ask for nothing-it’s up to the caregiver to feed, shelter, administer aid, and, most importantly, return the pet’s love.

Based on how much companion animals do to help us in our own stressful, frantic, and often disconnected lives, it’s easy to see that pets deserve all the happiness and comforts that we as humans can provide. The best way to do that is to start by visiting your local shelter and adopting a furry friend.

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

Animal Advocacy Guest Blogger Thank You Janet Bovitz Sandefur

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Autumn Safety Tips for your pets

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur


There’s nothing like crisp, cool air, the first months of school and luscious foliage to get you excited for the changing seasons. Your pet, too, is probably welcoming the break from hot, sticky weather. But pet parents, beware—fall is also a time of lurking dangers for our furry friends. From household poisons to cold weather hazards, the season is a minefield! Here are some tips to keep your pet snug and healthy during the autumn months.

  • The use of rodenticides increases in the fall as rodents seek shelter from the cooler temperatures by attempting to move indoors. Rodenticides are highly toxic to pets—if ingested, the results could be fatal. If you must use these products, do so with extreme caution and put them in places inaccessible to your pets.
  • It’s back-to-school time, and those of you with young children know that means stocking up on fun items like glue sticks, pencils and magic markers. These items are considered “low toxicity” to pets, which means they’re unlikely to cause serious problems unless large amounts are ingested. However, since gastrointestinal upset and blockages certainly are possible, be sure your children keep their school supplies out of paw’s reach.
  • Training tip: If you and your pooch haven’t been active outdoors in a while because of the summer heat, do some remedial recall training. Dogs, like people, get rusty on their skills if they aren’t using them.
  • Fall and spring and are mushroom seasons. While 99% of mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the 1% that are highly toxic can cause life-threatening problems in pets. Unfortunately, most of the highly toxic mushrooms are difficult to distinguish from the nontoxic ones, so the best way to keep pets from ingesting poisonous mushrooms is to keep them away from areas where any mushrooms are growing. Contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center immediately if you witness your pet eating a wild mushroom.
  • In order to generate body heat, pets who exercise heavily outdoors, or who live outdoors, should be given more food during colder seasons. Make sure horses and other outdoor animals have access to clean, fresh water that is not frozen.
  • Autumn is the season when snakes who are preparing for hibernation may be particularly “grumpy,” increasing the possibility of severe bites to those unlucky pups who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pet owners should know what kinds of venomous snakes may be in their environment—and where these snakes are most likely to be found—so they can keep pets out of those areas.
  • Many people choose fall as the time to change their car’s engine coolant. Ethylene glycol-based coolants are highly toxic, so spills should be cleaned up immediately. Consider switching to propylene glycol-based coolants—though they aren’t completely nontoxic, they are much less toxic than other engine coolants.

What do you do to add to the safety and well-being of your pet? Let us know, and we’ll share it! Your tip may be the life-saving tip for someone’s pet!

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Rochester (NY) Animal Services in October!

October is American Humane Association’s Adopt-A-Dog Month®!

Be a Hero and Find a New Best Friend at Your Local Animal Shelter!

Take the Pledge to Adopt a Rescue or Shelter Dog Today!

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

There are a million good reasons to consider adopting a dog during American Humane Association’s yearly “Adopt-a-Dog Month®” in October – in fact, it’s a lot more than that. Each year, an estimated 3-4 million animals waiting in shelters for someone to give them a safe, loving home never find a hero to adopt them and, tragically, are euthanized.

If you’re thinking about getting a dog, be a hero and consider adopting a rescue animal or a dog from your local shelter. You’ll be saving a life and greatly improving yours. Dogs are amazing, supportive, and heroic companions who can make a huge difference in your world as a best friend, an exercise buddy, someone who can be trained to provide animal-assisted therapy and help those with challenges they may face, or simply be a fuzzy face to greet you after a hard day at work.

Your local shelter is the perfect place to find dogs of every type, size, age and personality — all waiting for a loving home. “We have dozens of great dogs awaiting new homes and new heroes,” said Chris Fitzgerald, Director of Animal Services in Rochester.” If you prefer a particular breed that isn’t currently available at a shelter, go online to find a legitimate breed-specific rescue group in need of adopters like you. In fact, why not help build momentum and spread the word by adding your name to our pledge to make your next pet a rescue or shelter animal and “like” us on Facebook and Twitter.

Find out what a shelter or rescue dog can bring to your life this October during Adopt-A-Dog Month.

Here are some resources to get you started:

Adoption Center For Dog Adopters & Dog Owners
Visit our virtual Adoption Center to learn about dog adoption, behavior and care.

Shelters & Rescue Groups
Get free resources to help you promote Adopt-A-Dog Month and increase dog adoptions.


Download our free lesson plans to teach your students about choosing a dog, caring for a dog, and pet identification.

American Humane Association established Adopt-A-Dog Month® in October 1981 as an annual event to encourage people to save lives and enhance their own lives by adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue group. Thirty-two years later, that message is as strong, true and important as ever, as millions of dogs in shelters await adoption every year.

“If you haven’t yet experienced that remarkable power of the human-animal bond, American Humane Association encourages you to consider adopting a dog and finding out just how life-changing it can be,” says Dr. Robin Ganzert, president and CEO of American Humane Association. “With so many dogs in shelters all across our country available for adoption — and many of them never finding a safe, loving, forever home — adopting a dog will make you a hero, too.”

Here are a variety of ways to celebrate Adopt-A-Dog Month:

Adopt from a shelter or rescue group
When you’re ready to open your heart and home to a new best friend, adopt from your local animal shelter or rescue group. Talk with shelter staff to find the perfect dog for you and your lifestyle, and remember that older dogs make excellent pets too.

Spay or neuter your dog
Have your dog spayed or neutered, thus preventing the possibility of unexpected, and potentially unwanted, puppies. Spayed and neutered animals have been shown to lead longer, healthier lives and have fewer of certain behavioral problems than animals who have not been spayed or neutered.

ID your pet
By putting identification on your dog, either in the form of a tag, a microchip or both, you will reduce the possibility that your pet will become one of the presumably “homeless” dogs that end up at your local shelter. Only 15-20 percent of dogs who enter a shelter are reunited with their owners. Make sure your dog is one of the fortunate few by outfitting him with proper identification!

Support your local shelter
Show the pets at your local shelter or rescue group that you care by donating time, money or supplies like pet food, leashes, beds and toys. Call the shelter to see what supplies or services are needed most. Even the smallest effort can make a difference.

Rochester Animal Services has dogs of every type, size, age and personality waiting for loving homes. Visit us this October to become a hero for a shelter dog during Adopt-A-Dog Month! All dog adoptions are just $70 for the entire month of October.

Check out our adoptable dogs online today and keep checking back as they change every day!

Rochester Animal Services is located in Rochester at 184 Verona Street just north of Kodak and Frontier Field. For more information on adoptions, spay and neuter, volunteering, or becoming a foster care-giver, contact the Animal Services Center at (585) 428-7274 or visit us online at

More Information about Rochester Animal Services (RAS):

  • RAS provided shelter for 2,419 cats and 2,763 dogs during Fiscal Year 2013-2014.
  • RAS has achieved a save rate of over 70% throughout 2014.
  • RAS operates the animal shelter where stray and surrendered pets are temporarily housed.
  • The animal shelter serves as a pet lost-and-found resource, pet adoption center, and low-cost spay neuter clinic.
  • The shelter is open to the public Monday-Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Wednesday until 7:30 p.m.), and is closed Sundays and select holidays.

About American Humane Association
The American Humane Association is the country’s first national humane organization and the only one dedicated to protecting both children and animals. Since 1877 American Humane Association has been at the forefront of virtually every major advance in protecting our most vulnerable from cruelty, disasters, abuse and neglect. Today they’re also leading the way in understanding the human-animal bond and its role in therapy, medicine and society. For more information or to support their efforts, go to or call 1-866-242-1877.

About Verona Street Animal Society
The Verona Street Animal Society, Inc. (VSAS) is dedicated to providing the resources necessary to enable Rochester Animal Services to more effectively serve the public’s animal care and control, pet sterilization, and pet adoption interests and, in cooperation with the City of Rochester, to support the mission of Rochester Animal Services.

About Rochester Animal Services
Rochester Animal Services (RAS) is a municipal animal care and control agency dedicated to improving the quality of life and safety for city residents and their animals, the promotion of responsible pet ownership, and the reduction of animal overpopulation to reduce animal suffering and euthanasia. RAS enforces all New York State and City of Rochester ordinances pertaining to animal control. RAS operates an animal shelter for stray, injured, and disowned animals that serves both as an adoption center and as a site for locating lost pets. RAS strives to provide the best possible care for every animal in its charge.

P.O. Box 22874, Rochester, NY 14692
(585) 237-8366

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Animal Advocacy Guest Blogger Thank You Janet Bovitz Sandefur

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Guest Blogger, Adam Roberts (

The Fight to Save the Wolves!

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The work we do to save wild animals, whether in America or the farthest reaches of the world, is challenging… even under the best of conditions. We have to fight the trophy hunters, the commercial traders, the trappers, the exploiters: the most nefarious, self-interested people on the planet, willing to sacrifice the last eagle or elephant to make a buck.

But, there are those rare occasions when nature takes over, and the fight is against a force unseen, thousands and thousands of miles away, presenting a challenge of Sisyphean proportions.

For many years, Born Free has fought to save the Ethiopian wolf, clinging to life in the Afroalpine mountains of Ethiopia. Fewer than 500 remain. The rarest canid on the planet. Living in inhospitable conditions, to say the least.

Livestock owners with domestic dogs live in the same area. And, these dogs get rabies. And, the rabies is passed to the wolves. And, the wolves are at risk.

Born Free, focused and nimble and committed to act, supported an Emergency Response team after not one, not two, not three… but seven wolves were found dead, ravaged by rabies. We mobilized against this wicked, deadly enemy.

And, our work—Born Free Foundation in the UK and Born Free USA here in America—seems to have paid off. I have just received an update from Dr. Claudio Sillero, the Head of Conservation for the Born Free Foundation, who also helped to start the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme. Claudio tells me:

Last Wednesday, we left our camp in the Web Valley (3,500m asl) and headed back to our base in Dinsho, a small town in the Northern slopes of the Bale Mountains National Park, where most of our staff lives. We managed to wrap up the second phase of our emergency intervention just in time for the Ethiopian New Year, being celebrated tonight. The team took a few days of a well-deserved rest with their families before heading back to monitor the situation, implement awareness campaigns to contain the current rabies epizootic, and step up dog vaccinations.

Every crisis has a silver lining. I recently met with wildlife authorities in Addis Ababa, who congratulated Born Free and my team for our immediate and decisive intervention. There is a general feeling that we can no longer combat rabies outbreaks as bush fires, but that we need to embark on a proactive strategy to manage this risk in the future. We have a clear opportunity to instil this change in the authorities’ mindset. Thanks in part to your donation, we now have the necessary resources to complete the current intervention, but also to pay for a small technical meeting to review the situation and put together a long term plan.

One of the reasons why I am extremely proud to work for Born Free is that we can react where conditions are dire and where it is required most, and that we have the ability to succeed in our mission. My friend and colleague, Claudio, whom I trust and admire, braved winds and torrential rains at 13,500 feet to vaccinate wolves and dogs alike. I am filled with pride and admiration. Thanks to him and to his team, the wolves have a fighting chance!

Keep Wildlife in the Wild,


Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur



Animal Advocacy Guest Blogger Thank You Janet Bovitz Sandefur


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