Author: Just-Do-Something

Happy Mother’s Day! (From Janet) Janet Bovitz Sandefur Animal Advocacy Animal Welfare

ALL sentient beings deserve kindness and compassion.  ALL. OF. THEM.

Today, and always, keep in mind ALL of the four-legged Moms that, because of humans, because of us:

  • Are forced to breed
  • Are kept in captivity
  • Are not given the opportunity to have their young by their side
  • Have lost their life before their young are grown
  • Have lost their freedom
  • Do not receive consideration or compassion
  • Are not provided basic care
  • Are forgotten
  • Are left outside
  • Are abandoned
  • Are starving
  • Are sick
  • Are doing their best to take care of their young, with so many roadblocks
  • Are dying, somewhere

Do what you can, when you can – it matters.

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

Before I was a Mom –
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth every day.

Before I was a Mom 
I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn’t worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom –
I had never been puked on – Pooped on – Spit on – Chewed on, or Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts. I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom –
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests…or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom –
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn’t want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn’t stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life
so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom –
I didn’t know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn’t know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn’t know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn’t know that something so small could make me feel so important.

Before I was a Mom –
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known the warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn’t know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

– author unknown

Look around you. Motherhood is everywhere.  Mom’s are amazing. Every Mom, no matter WHAT living, breathing Mom she is, deserves motherhood from start to finish.

Let’s start celebrating ALL Mom’s.

Happy Mother’s Day to those incredible women who went from before they were a Mom, to well, being a Mom.
We wouldn’t be here without you. xo

Animal Advocacy Founder signature Janet Bovitz Sandefur


Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

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Guest Blogger, Diedra Kirk – Verona Street Animal Society

The Many Ways to Help Animals in Need

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We often see posts and hear comments about how badly people feel about animals in unfortunate situations so we wanted to post some ideas of how you can get involved even with little time or money.

  1. Volunteer at the Shelter – Shelters always need extra hands to keep their temporary residents happy and healthy.  Consider volunteering even a couple hours per week to help with tasks around the shelter.  For example, you can volunteer to walk dogs, socialize cats, help out at an event, provide customer service or data entry, or even assist in the clinic.
  2. Fundraise – You can sign up to volunteer at an event already scheduled or create your own fundraiser and donate the proceeds.  Bake sales, garage sales, lemonade stands, can and bottle drives, and fitness challenges are all great ways to raise money that you can donate as a tax deductible gift.  You could also choose to have friends and family donate money to your fundraiser instead of birthday or anniversary gifts.
  3. Donate Goods – You can always give money; however, shelters usually have a wish list of items that are in short supply or not covered by operating budgets. They can be very inexpensive things that you may have in your home or can easily buy while doing your weekly errands.  While you are out shopping for your pet, you could pick up an extra box of milk bones, a Kong or even some laundry soap.
  4. Foster Pets – It is preferable to get a pet into a home as quickly as possible even if it is not going to be their forever home.  In a foster home, animals are more relaxed, less stressed and often benefit from the socialization and training a family can provide.  This extra care results in a more well behaved pet that will present better for potential adopters.
  5. Buy from Retailers that Support Shelters – There are stores and websites that will give a portion of your purchase to the shelter in the form of a donation.
  6. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter and share the posts with your friends and family. They may not be looking for a new pet but someone they know might be. It also helps spread the word for fundraising events like The Fast & The Furriest® Race & Pet Fest!

If you are interested in getting involved with a shelter in Rochester, New York, please contact us:

Verona Street Animal Society
P.O. Box 22874, Rochester, NY 14692
(585) 727-2533


Facebook Instagram


About Verona Street Animal Society

The Verona Street Animal Society, Inc. (VSAS) is dedicated to providing the resources necessary to enable Rochester Animal Services to more effectively serve the public’s animal care and control, pet sterilization, and pet adoption interests and, in cooperation with the City of Rochester, to support the mission of Rochester Animal Services.

Rochester Animal Services (RAS) is a municipal animal care and control agency dedicated to improving the quality of life and safety for city residents and their animals, the promotion of responsible pet ownership, and the reduction of animal overpopulation to reduce animal suffering and euthanasia. RAS enforces all New York State and City of Rochester ordinances pertaining to animal control. RAS operates an animal shelter for stray, injured, and disowned animals that serves both as an adoption center and as a site for locating lost pets. RAS strives to provide the best possible care for every animal in its charge.

Diedra Kirk is a Board Member at Verona Street Animal Society and Volunteer at Rochester Animal Services. She graduated with a B.S. Degree from Cornell University and a MBA from Rochester Institute of Technology and has had a career in product and service marketing, social media and e-business.






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Get Your Warbler On (from Janet)

Cape May Warbler

In the world of Animal Welfare and Advocacy, it’s sometimes difficult to remember that there is beauty in nature, also.  Sometimes it’s good to take a tiny breath and look for just that, in between taking the time to JUST DO SOMETHING to help animals in need.

So, here’s a little reminder of one of the beautiful things in life.

5 Tips For Spring Warbler Watching 

Spring is a prime season for bird watching. Many birds are easier to identify in their brightly colored breeding plumage. Males sing with increasing frequency as they approach their breeding grounds. And bird flocks become quite concentrated during migration, with large numbers of each species passing through in the brief space of a few weeks.

But that doesn’t mean bird watching is easy in spring. Most migrants don’t visit backyard bird feeders. Finding those jewels of migration, such as Blackburnian Warblers, Cape May Warblers, and Townsend’s Warblers, usually requires getting out and birding in the field. There are several ways to improve your chances of striking warbler gold this spring.

Study habitat clues: During migration, many songbirds aren’t as finicky about their habitat preferences as they are when they’re breeding. For some birds, any place with available food and shelter will do for a pit stop during spring migration. Take the Blackpoll Warbler, which breeds strictly in spruce-fir forests but during migration can be found in a cluster of willows or in a small patch of cottonwoods. Other birds stick to their favorite habitats. Common Yellowthroats always prefer low wet areas, and Cape May Warblers maintain their strong preference for spruces.

Think big and small: When plotting your spring bird watching, consider both broad habitats and microhabitats. Broad swaths of forested of land, such as those found in the mountains or in river valleys, can be fantastic during migration, because they provide large areas of great habitat to support many hungry migrants. On the other hand, a microhabitat is an anomaly on the landscape that will suck in migrating birds crossing a big area devoid of safe places to stop, rest, and eat. It could be an isolated patch of trees on the plains of Colorado or a tree-studded island in Lake Superior. City parks can be incredible spots for finding warblers, because they may only have a small patch of trees where the birds can land.

Head for the hills: Elevated areas often draw large concentrations of birds, because they’re closer to the cruising altitude of migratory birds, and they tend to be the first sites warblers land when they drop down from nighttime migration. A park at the top of a hill in a city, such as Garret Mountain Reservation on the outskirts of New York City or Mount Auburn Cemetery in Boston, can be a fantastic place to find warblers.

Watch the weather: Picking the right day, with the right weather conditions, can make all the difference in what you see. In the spring, warblers move on winds blowing from the south. South winds help push migrants toward their northern breeding grounds, which allows the birds to expend less energy. But for a bird watcher, sustained south winds may cause birds to fly right over without stopping in your neighborhood. Watch your local forecasts for storms that force migrating birds out of the air and down to patches of habitat. The largest concentrations of birds and fallouts generally occur when south winds are met by some change in the weather—rain, snow, or a quick shift in wind direction. Even a passing line of local thunderstorms can leave an astonishing array of avian gems in your local park. Check quickly, though, because the birds will often depart the next night.

Use your ears: As warblers push north on their mad dash to their breeding grounds, the frequency of their singing and level of intensity increases. Listening for bird songs and short call notes can be a great way to find an unexpected bird. You don’t need to be an expert at birding by ear. Simply listen and try to track down any songster uttering an unusual vocalization. You might just find that what you thought was a variation of a Black-and-white Warbler’s squeaky-wheel song is actually a Bay-breasted Warbler.

If you’re not quite sure which migrants are arriving where or when, use the bar charts (under the “Explore Data” tab) on Select your state and county, then click on the month at the top of the bar chart, and you can see how frequently each species occurs in your area, down to the week. You can also check BirdCast for real-time bird forecasts that track the waves of migrants moving north across the continent. Armed with the latest intelligence on bird movements, and a plan for finding your local migrant bird hotspots, you just might have your best spring birdwatching season ever.

  • Jessie Barry and Chris Wood are the authors, and are project leaders at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and members of Team Sapsucker, the Lab’s famed Big Day birding team.

Hopefully as you take time to enjoy the Spring season, and all the wonderful creatures big and small that are out and about now, that you keep you eyes and ears open for animals in need along the way.  You can enjoy the Spring season AND help make a difference, all at the same time.


Animal Advocacy Founder signature Janet Bovitz Sandefur


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Little Things Mean A Lot (from Janet)

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur just-do-something.orgMany times, people don’t always think about their actions.

You see a smoldering cigarette butt on the ground, you step on it to put it out. And then you keep walking.

A piece of trash blows across your lawn, you bend down to pick it up. And then you keep walking.

A baby is crying in the shopping cart, so as you pass by, you wiggle your fingers and smile a friendly hello. And then you keep walking.

And, if an animal in need is lucky enough to be noticed:

  • You make that call to 911 or Animal Control on your way to work.
  • You peek out your window to see if they finally brought their pet inside from the rainy weather.
  • You take another walk back to the car in that parking lot where someone left animal inside on a really hot day.
  • You take a walk to your neighbor’s house to pet that dog left on a chain 24/7.
  • You bring treats to your local animal shelter to help brighten a day.
  • You stop by the side of the road to check on that animal that was hit by a car.
  • You put food and water out for that stray cat hanging around your house that everyone else is ignoring.
  • You share the post about an animal needing to be adopted or else s/he will be euthanized.

And then you keep walking.

You can do A LOT of little things to help an animal in need, as you keep walking.

Hopefully, you just don’t walk on by, but rather, you JUST DO SOMETHING also.

It matters.

Animal Advocacy Founder signature Janet Bovitz Sandefur

Animal Advocacy logo Janet Bovitz Sandefur





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Happy New Year, This Easter (From Janet) Janet Bovitz Sandefur Animal Advocacy Animal Welfare

Easter. Although not everyone celebrates it, for the millions that do, many feel that Easter is their New Year.  Their fresh start. Their refresh, reboot, renew.

For many, Easter is the time to set new goals, make new resolutions, make a fresh start.

If you celebrated Easter today, and this included quality time with family and friends – maybe that was enough for you.

But. BUT. If you’re searching for something more, something bigger than you, something else, and you haven’t quite found it yet, try giving of yourself.

Make this Easter your New Year of donating yourself for animals.

To donate literally means to give.

Think about that.

It doesn’t matter that your checkbook balance will not allow you to send money on behalf of an animal in need.   It’s a shame that so many feel that the only way they are TRULY making a difference is to send money, because they are closing the door on other opportunities to help and support.

Here’s a simple and surefire way to donate:  You can give of yourself.
Every person has something of themselves that they can give to make a difference in the life of an animal in need.

Of course, excuses are easy to come by if you don’t want to donate, period. So whether or not you have the money to write that check then becomes moot.  But, oh, how wonderful if you WANT to donate but you just can’t financially. Because that opens up so many other imaginative and creative ways to give of yourself instead.

If you’re reading this Blog, chances are you are familiar with our website and all the ways we encourage people to save or better the life of an animal in need.  Poke around our site, and you’ll come across some good ideas to be a great supporter of animals, no matter what your resources are.

It doesn’t take any science at all to dream up ways you can donate yourself to help out and support. All it takes is a willing YOU. Janet Bovitz Sandefur Animal Advocacy Animal Welfare

What will you do this Easter season, and every day, to save or better a life? Do it, talk about it, lead by example, and encourage others to JUST DO SOMETHING.

Make today YOUR best New Year ever.  Start today, start tomorrow. Just start.

Every effort, every giving of yourself, helps to make a difference in the lives of an animal in need; and they NEED all the help they can get.

Be a champion for those that can’t speak for, or defend themselves…donate yourself – today.

Happy Easter!

Animal Advocacy Founder signature Janet Bovitz Sandefur
 Janet Bovitz Sandefur Animal Advocacy Animal Welfare






Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

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Guest Blogger, Redfin (

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

Our dogs and cats are not just pets, but family members. As they age, of course, they need more support from us. Just as people benefit from simple home modifications that offset aging, so do our furry family members.

Redfin, a customer-first real estate brokerage, put their real estate and pet experts together to discuss the best ways to modify your home for an elderly pet.

First, How Old is ‘Old’?

Generally, a cat or dog is considered elderly when they reach six or seven years of age. For dogs, however, size factors into age because larger dogs have shorter life spans. Cats tend to have longer lifespans than dogs, so depending upon weight and breed, some cats may not be considered elderly until they reach 10 or 11 years of age.

11 Ways you can Modify Your Home

1. Raise their food and water

As your pet ages, it may become more difficult for them to lower their neck to eat food or drink water. Invest in a raised platform or use something around the house, such as a shoebox, to elevate the food and water bowls your animal already uses.

Food bowls for cats should be placed away from cat flaps, glass windows that reach the floor, and their litter boxes. They should also be placed in a location where your cat can approach from any direction and not be forced to have their back exposed to other animals in the household.

2. Upgrade the Litterbox

For older cats, arthritis and shrinking kidneys contribute to issues using their litter boxes. There are litter boxes on the market with lower openings designed for older cats, but you can also use a storage bin with an entry way cut out in the front. If you have multiple cats in your household, you should have one litter box for each cat, plus an extra.

3. Buy or Build a Ramp

Arthritis is a common problem in dogs as well. An easy home modification to enable easier mobility for your dog or cat companion is to buy or build a ramp or shallow stairs. A ramp or stairs allows your animal the same freedom and access to couches, windowsills, beds and cars that they had when they were younger.

4. Enhance your Staircase

An easy modification you can make to your stairs is to install anti-slip treads made from carpet or rubber. If your pet can no longer make it up the stairs at all, place their bed in a warm spot downstairs so that they have no need to be anywhere other than the first floor of your home.

5. Prep your Floor

If you can alter the flooring of your home, try installing ceramic tile or carpet tiles designed for pet incontinence. Avoid carpet, because it is more difficult to clean deeply, and natural stone tile,as it stains easily. If you are unable to alter your flooring or have hard floors that are easy to clean, invest in non-slip rugs, carpet runners, or even yoga mats for better traction for your pet. Seek out materials that are easy to wash and do not absorb stains and odors quickly.

6. Try a Doggie Door

Another home modification for urinary incontinence is a doggy door or dog flap. These can provide the freedom for your canine to urinate outside as they need. You will want to install the door in a low area to provide ease of access for any mobility issues.

7. Buy an orthopedic bed

If your dog displays any the behavioral symptoms of joint problems, an orthopedic bed is specifically designed for their needs. Smaller dogs should sleep in a bed relative to their size because they get cold more easily and may feel insecure in a larger bed. If you have a dog flap installed, place the dog bed near the door for easy access to the bathroom.

If your pet is an older cat, place their bed within the vicinity of their litter box, but not too close to it. Cats also enjoy cave-style beds just like their ancestors.

8. Double check your temperature

Older animals have more difficulty regulating their body temperature, so they are more

sensitive to temperatures that varies significantly from their own body temperature. Set

your thermostat between 78 and 80 degrees and pay attention to your animal’s specific

behavior. If they hang out by a fan or the heater, they may need an adjustment outside

of the 78- to 80-degree range.

9. Create a routine

Dogs are creatures of habit, so keeping their routine consistent will help mitigate anxiety. This goes for cats as well. As cats age, anxiety can be caused by disorientation and confusion, so a regular daily routine and consistent placement of your cat’s litter box, bed, and food is important.

10. Reduce Stress with Sound

Increased sensitivity to sound is stressful for older animals as well. Keep a white noise machine or background music playing in your home to prevent this source of stress.

11. Create a Play Space

Have a play corner in your home where you keep all of your cat or dog’s toys and be sure to regularly engage with them here. Regular play time in old age can keep your pet physically stimulated as well as mentally, fighting against anxiety and cognitive decline.

You Can Improve Quality of Life

These home modifications can improve your animal companion’s entire quality of life and increase their lifespan.

Even though they are only one part of our lives, they improve our relationships, stress levels and mood, as well as our cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Our pets deserve to live out their lives with security, comfort and love.

See the entire report by Redfin.Animal Advocacy Guest Blogger Thank You Janet Bovitz Sandefur


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Always Look Twice (from Janet)

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

I’m not that hard to find on the Internet. Most people reach out to me via our website or our social media pages. But, if you look a little harder, you’ll eventually find my phone number.  And this is the ONLY reason why I always answer my phone (when possible), and check my voicemail when not immediately available – because I never know when that unrecognizable phone number calling is someone on the other end asking for help with an animal in need.

Most of the calls I receive usually start with, “Is this Janet from”

Today, the caller started out with, “Janet, you don’t practice what you preach regarding helping animals, and it’s pissing me off.”  Yep, he really started out the conversation with this.


The guy was pretty worked up. So, I told him he needed to elaborate on what he meant because I was concerned with that statement.

Well,” he started, “I’ve been e-mailing you Animal Petitions for a few weeks now – a couple every week. And you haven’t responded that you signed ANY of them. I think that’s really rude and a waste of my time.”

Take a breath.

What Brian B. from Connecticut isn’t aware of is that I receive upwards of 1,000 e-mails per week. About 75% of them are Animal Welfare related. I go through EVERY single e-mail, EVERY week. I open EVERY e-mail, even if I am just being asked for a financial donation, because I feel that to look at every picture and read every story is just another way I can give testament to an animal’s life taken or abused by someone, somewhere.

I might get through my e-mails faster if I didn’t hold a full-time job (not related to Animal Welfare), if I wasn’t married and have household responsibilities, if I didn’t participate in other community work, and if I didn’t work on other Animal Welfare endeavors behind the scenes. Etc. But I do ALL these things, and so much more, and yes, Brian B. from Connecticut, sometimes I DO feel guilty about skipping a night of e-mails to go out with friends, or take a long weekend away with my husband, but I try to keep a balance between my heart and my sanity – Animal Welfare is a gut wrenching, horrible passion in so many ways, and sometimes it’s healthy to just breathe away from the e-mails that show me so many awful ways humans abuse animals just because they can.

Brian,” I ask, when he’s breathlessly finished calling me an asshole, without actually calling me an asshole, “do you follow on any social media platform?”

No,” he says, “I got your name from a Facebook post that someone else shared.”  Hey! That’s great to hear (I think to myself). I am all about spreading information, no matter how someone comes by it.

Okay.” I say back. “Do you have access to your computer now?”

Yeah, through my cell.” He says.

Well, why don’t you jump on my Twitter Account for” I gave him our Twitter name.

I see it.

Scroll through yesterday’s posts of mine. Do you see the one about Big Cats and Commercials?” I wait.

Yep, I see it.” Brian B. from Connecticut is quiet now.

And how about scrolling to March 29 – do you see the post about hunting (bears and wolves)?”

Yep, I see it.”

Brian B. from Connecticut and I had a good chat after he realized I have been posting EVERY petition that he sent me. Yes, we went through EVERY one, together.  

To-date, Brian B. from Connecticut has sent me 18 Animal Petitions, and we have signed, and shared out EVERY one of them.

How do I know this? Because I save EVERY e-mail from EVERY person who has EVER sent me information related to Animal Welfare.

Here’s the thing: if you send me something, I will see it. If it’s an Animal Petition, I will sign it, and then share it out. I probably will not reply that I have done this, because I am signing and sharing so many worth petitions (and doing other things related to Animal Welfare via e-mail) that it actually emotionally pains me to have to stop to acknowledge your e-mail that you have sent it if I don’t really need to reply. Maybe this is my bad, because yes, everyone deserves to have their e-mails acknowledged. But animals are dying and suffering, and THAT deserves my priority and attention more. Selfish me.

So, if you’re e-mail truly needs a response, I will respond. Otherwise, I assume that you are connected to me in some way, so that you will know I have signed and shared the information you have sent me. Especially Animal Petitions, we never ignore them. Never.

So, Brian B, from Connecticut now realizes that if he had just taken the time to LOOK at any of our social media pages, he would have seen that I wasn’t neglecting or ignoring him, and I was not being rude or wasting his time. Actually, his phone call wasted MY time, but I am always happy to right misunderstanding because I couldn’t bear the idea of anyone thinking I wasn’t always doing my best by animals, for animals, because of animals.

So, before you jump to a conclusion, take a moment to look again. Looking twice is so important when it comes to animal welfare (never assume a situation, always LOOK and LOOK AGAIN if you have to because an animal’s life might be at stake) but looking twice also makes life easier on both sides when it comes to stuff like this.

I am not sure if Brian B. will become a follower, fan or just a lurker. Either way, thanks Brian for not only taking the time to be concerned enough about animals to actually call me (most people are not that brave and wouldn’t speak up), and thanks for all you do to help animals in need. Hopefully we chat again sometime – you’ve got my number.

Animal Advocacy Founder signature Janet Bovitz Sandefur


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Spring Into Action (from Janet)

Janet Bovitz Sandefur Rescue Dog Jessie

Jessie bringing in the Spring!

Yep!  This is our rescue gal, Jessie!  She’s helping us spread Spring Joy this season (actually, she will do anything for a treat, including sitting still with a flower on her head).

There’s no doubt about it – Spring is in the air.

There aren’t too many people who don’t look forward to the Spring season. And with good reason: longer days, sprouts of green, birdsong, and sunshine.

However, Spring isn’t always wonderful for animals. Especially those left outside, chained 24/7.

Did you know?

  • There are roughly 7 million stray dogs and cats in the U.S. at any given time.
  • Many people will not take in a stray dog or cat, especially during mild weather, because they feel strays can fend for themselves if it’s nice out.
  • There are many people who will not even call to report an injured animal in the mild weather for the same reason.

When talking about stray (homeless, ownerless) animals, the majority of people take this to mean dogs and cats.  But common stray animals are not the only animals to be negatively impacted by their circumstance.  ANY animal (including wild animals and birds) can have a difficult time, depending on their environment and their health.

Never turn your back on any animal in distress or in danger. The type of animal and the situation should always be taken into thoughtful consideration before you make the decision to aide that animal yourself.  Even a stray dog or cat can be a possible risk to you if that animal is ill or becomes frightened when trying to approach it.  Not sure? Call your local authority.

Animals are waking up and coming out of hibernation.

You know YOU feel when your alarm clock goes off? You stumble out of bed, half awake, and try to begin your day still foggy and sleepy. THAT’s how it is for many wild animals in Spring.  Being aware of animals at ANY time of year is important – but like everything else, there are ebbs and flows to wildlife also. Spring is one of the times of year where we see more animals hit by cars than usual. Animals are waking up, roaming up, starting to forage for food and ready their homes for mating and breeding season. Their alarm clocks have gone off, and they are up and running. Janet Bovitz Sandefur Animal Advocacy Animal Welfare

It’s a good time of year to practice caution when driving, and ask others to do the same.

If you DO see an animal that has been hit be a car, PLEASE STOP.
Here are some things you can do to help.

Spring weather can still be cold.

The days may be longer, the sun may shine a little more, the snow is melting and buds are appearing all over the place.  But that doesn’t mean that the ground is thawed, the mud has dried and the nights are warmer.  At this time of year, the ground is still very cold even though we are starting to see the grass, and that includes mud that warms up during the day, but re-freezes at night. And remember, we still can get snow in the Spring!

  • Even well meaning pet owners may not realize they should not simply put their animal outside for prolonged periods of time during Spring (especially in the early mornings and night time).  This is especially true for new pet owners who may not yet be well educated on environmental pet care and for elderly pet owners who may forget from time to time the importance of routinely checking on their pets once they are outside.
  • Take the time to speak up if you see a domestic animal staying outside for too long.
    It matters to that animal.
  • Domestic pets that are in-door animals, should be limited in the amount of time spent outside in the cold and damp.
  • If it’s still cold enough for you to wear a jacket, then chances are your pet needs one also.
  • Humans have boots; animals have paws.  Although the bottom of your pet’s paws may feel rough, they are sensitive to hot and cold.  Cold can burn, ice can tear and scrape, snow can numb, salt and residual ice-melting chemicals can do damage (and make you pet sick if s/he licks their paws after they come indoors) and frostbite is still possible in the early Spring.  Most domestic animals dislike “booties”, so simply pay attention to the amount of time your pet is walking on the snow, ice and cold pavement, and take the time to gently wipe off cold and wet paws after being outdoors.
  • Is it a cold, wet day? Any soft, clean absorbent towel is great for drying off your pet after outdoor time.  A cold wet pet is a miserable, shivering pet.  Be sure to routinely wash any toweling used to dry your pet.

PESTICIDE SEASON starts in Spring, and for many, continues on until late Fall.  Before you make the decision to treat with pesticides, think about your pets, wildlife (babies in the Spring and Fall), and our environment.  If you do decide to treat YOUR lawn, be conscious of where your pets routinely go outside, and the little critters that you know roam on your property.  Let your lawn guys know you have a pet that goes outside, and if you know of certain areas that critters enjoy, mention that, also. Ask them to leave an area untreated so your pet and other critters can enjoy your yard without easily coming into contact with lawn treatments, which can cause internal and external issues just by licking or touching pesticides.

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

  • Before treating your lawn, before they arrive, remove water sources and ground feeding stations.  Pesticide poisoning HURTS.
  • Try to keep your pet off treated lawns for the first 24-hours.
  • Do not put out any food or water to entice other critters to your yard for 24-hours.
  • Have an “out” plan in place if you treat your entire lawn, so your pet can still get out for exercise and relief.
  • Be aware of neighbors who treat their lawns – stay away!
  • Wipe off paws any time your pet walks on treated ground.
  • Never let your pet lie or roll on treated ground.
  • As a courtesy to other pet owners, leave your lawn treatment signs up at least two days to make others aware.

Spring springs activity in animals!

Spring is the time when mating rituals begin, many animals give birth, and wild animals wake up from hibernation to roam about looking for food and new homes for their young.  There is A LOT of animal activity in the spring.

Wild Animals

  • More wild animals will be killed or injured by cars as they become more mobile.  Warmer weather means more animals roaming about. This is a good time to talk about what to do if you see ANY injured animal.
    • Again, click HERE for helpful information on what you can do.
  • Come across any baby birds or animals? Leave them alone unless it’s clear they are abandoned or in distress. Not sure? Call your local rescue or wildlife rehabilitators to find out what you may need to do.
  • If you have a dog that loves to chase, make sure wild animals (think squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, and their babies) are protected as best as you can, before you let your dog out.

Outdoor Dogs

  • Yard debris covered up by snow should be cleared up to prevent animals and domestic pets from stepping on potential objects that can inflict injury by stepping on them or eating them. This includes picking up animal droppings that have accumulated in the yard over the winter.
  • Some dog owners do not use flea medicine in the winter.  If you are one of those dog owners, it’s time to start!
  • If your dog is an outside dog, clean out the doghouse, wash the bedding, clean up the area around the doghouse, and clean out the water bowl.  Routinely check doghouses and bedding for spiders and other bugs that love to nest inside them.


  • If you clean out your birdhouses or nest boxes and leave them open in the Fall, now is the time to close them back up so birds can begin to nest.
  • If you wean off from feeding the birds from the winter, do it gradually.  It’s still difficult to find food in the Spring, especially for the birds who have gotten used to eating from your feeding stations all winter.  The warmer is gets, the less seed you can put out.
  • Clean up your feeding stations and feeders so they are ready for next year.  Uneaten, left out seed and food items from the winter will spoil and mold in the warmer weather.
  • Clean out bird baths that have stayed out over the winter. Always offer fresh, clean water.
  • Do you like to feed the ducks? A bag of corn works better than bread.

And remember, for the SPRING, or ANY time of year:

  • Always SPEAK UP.
    • Keep your eyes and ears open.  If you become aware of a situation where ANY animal is in distress or danger, DO SOMETHING about it.
    • Call local authorities and WAIT until someone comes to the animal’s aide.
    • You may be the ONLY witness and/or the ONLY one to help that animal in that situation.
    • Don’t be nervous or worried if you have to report an act of animal abuse or neglect.
      YOU are their voice.
    • If you are not sure about what you think you see, call for help anyway. You might be saving a life.
  • Provide shelter.
    • If bringing the animal inside your home is not an option, help him/her survive the damp and cold Spring weather by providing shelter such as a sturdy cardboard box lined with a good amount of clean, dry straw (straw is the main insulator that rescuers use when helping out strays or domestic outdoor animals who stay outside).
      • Straw provides a soft but effective barrier against the cold and damp, keeps warmth in (if you pile it in a good amount), is pliable enough so animals can burrough and surround themselves with it, and does not mold quickly.
      • Don’t bother with towels and blankets as these will get wet in a storm and stay damp.
    • Enticing the animal into your garage will also work.  
      • Ensure proper bedding for warmth and comfort, as garages usually are not heated.
      • Make sure that harmful products normally stored in the garage are completely out of the way.
      • Cars should never be running in the garage at any time if there is an animal in there!
  • Are you already providing shelter to a stray?
    • Time to change the straw or bedding!  
    • Just like a human, animals can develop sores and sensitive skins from dirty, unwashed bedding.
    • Replace straw and/or  wash bedding!  
    • A stray’s life can be pretty miserable. Don’t add to it by overlooking this simple necessity.
  • Provide food and water.
    • Did you know that many pet owners think that melted snow is a great substitute for water? Not true! Melted snow is left-over snow, which is dirty and unclean for a number of reasons.
    • Always ensure that there is a daily supply of fresh, clean water easily available.  
    • Providing stray animals with fresh, clean food and water can help them survive better because they will need to use less energy to scrounge up their dinner.
    • A well-fed, well hydrated animal is also better prepared to fight off illness and infection.
    • Steer clear of canned food as it is more likely to freeze when the temperatures drop and spoil when the temperature warms.

Remember, if you do take in a stray animal:

  • Make sure your first stop is with a licensed veterinarian who can assess the animal for diseases and make sure that it is immunized and safe to be around your children or other pets.
  • If you don’t want to bring the stray to a shelter, reach out to your local rescue groups to see if someone can take him/her.

ANY season is a great season to JUST DO SOMETHING for animals in need.

Hopefully, this new season gets your motivated to SPRING into action where or when you can.

What are your Spring tips? Share it with us, and we’ll pass it around! All efforts matter for ANY time of year, when it comes to helping out our animals. Janet Bovitz Sandefur Animal Advocacy Animal Welfare







Animal Advocacy Founder signature Janet Bovitz Sandefur



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Judging Can Hurt Animals (from Janet)

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

It was a informative Facebook post about an animal in need. The issue: a dog in North Carolina, kept tethered outside 24/7 without insulated shelter. The owner: a woman who believes that a dog is just a dog, and dogs should be kept outside because to bring them in “costs money” that she would rather spend on her wardrobe.

The Facebook poster is the founder of a well established rescue group that travels the continental US helping dogs that are the victim of tethering. But she didn’t advertise that on this post.

Instead, she was simply providing information on a dog that needed some help, and was sharing information in the hopes that someone from that area was also aware of the dog and to also bring awareness about yet another victim fallen to being chained in the same spot every damn day.

That’s when the judging started.

I get it. People are reactionary, and usually those reactions come from feeling passionate about something. And there are many people who are passionate about Animal Welfare.

But I don’t think that being passionate is an excuse to be judgmental. 

Usually, when someone is judging someone else, it’s because the person doing the judging is getting something out of that; maybe that person is angry or jealous or vengeful. Judging someone else allows venting, release and for others, closure. Judging someone else may make that person feel superior. Judging someone also is a way for a person to share their feelings about something they feel passionate about, without actually having to confront the person they are talking about, or do anything about a situation because people who judge feel that they have done something by doing just that.  Sometimes judging others is an introduction to simply gossip. And many times, the person being judged has no idea they are being judged.

I was not surprised that so many people would rally for the dog on this post. What did shock me though, was the number of people who immediately, nastily and with much vulgarity, attacked the dog owner instead of coming up with positive suggestions to address the issue. 

Here’s the thing. Although I don’t agree with anyone chaining a dog 24/7, no-one knows the circumstances of this situation. Granted, the owner of the dog DID say that she believes that a dog is just a dog, and dogs should be kept outside because to bring them in “costs money” that she would rather spend on her wardrobe. But that was not a face-to-face conversation, and we have no idea where that thinking originated from. 

Believe it or not, some people judge ignorance as being stupid or indifferent. However, sometimes being ignorance simply means things can turn around with conversation and education. And yes, I’m saying “sometimes”.

In this situation, there was so much hating on the dog owner, that the originator of the post removed it from Facebook because things were getting out of hand and nothing productive was being suggested.  I was glad she made the decision to do that, because after a while no-one was even asking about the dog, they were simply taking turns posting extremely inappropriate content about someone they knew nothing about.

Don’t misunderstand me here. There are situations that I don’t budge one inch on. I can be very rigid in my thinking, especially when it comes to animal neglect and abuse. But – but. There are situations where things may not be what they seem, and until facts are gathered and information is confirmed, sometimes you can’t just assume you know the whole story.

No matter how passionate the guy next to you is (or is posting), YOUR passion should come from YOU and YOUR knowledge, not from others.  And then turn your passion into something constructive – judging others is anything but.

Judging someone or a situation prematurely has the ability to possibly negatively impact something that shouldn’t be shaken up.  In some cases, incorrectly judging a situation has actually resulted in pets being removed from their home environments when they shouldn’t have been, euthanized before their time, and caused bad publicity towards someone who simply needed some education on how to be a better pet owner.

And just so you know, the originator of the post privately messaged me a few hours later to let me know that after she spoke with the dog owner, the dog owner agreed to let others help her put up a fence so her dog didn’t have to spend any more time on a chain. And that was after one conversation. Who knows what might happen after a few more talks? Education, taking the time to talk things out, and positive suggestions go a lot further to help animals than judgement.

It’s all about the animals in need. Judging takes up time better used to save or better a life.

Don’t be judgmental – be HELPFUL instead.

Animal Advocacy Founder signature Janet Bovitz Sandefur



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March – in like a lion, and still roaring (from Janet)

Animal Advocacy Blog Picture Janet Bovitz Sandefur

I’m sure you’re already familiar with the old saying about March: “In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb”. This ‘weather lore’ saying is considered a proverb, the origins of which dates back to the eighteenth century, but which no country can claim it originated from.

Regardless of who first said it, it rings pretty true for the month of March on the East Coast, at least.

Usually before the middle of March hits us, we are teased with warmer, sunnier days that actually start to show some positive signs of early Spring and brighter days ahead. We start to see a few green sprouts, clouds give way to bluer skies, and the day light hours begin to lengthen.

Because of the warmer days, wild animals that have been hibernating and keeping to their dens wake up to roam about (which is why there is a higher number of animals hit by vehicles during the early Spring). Bird song is more noticeable and flocks come in larger numbers to lawns and feeders.

Bu then – BLAM – it changes. March weather suddenly turns colder. Skies darken, clouds move in, winds blow, and more frost and snow comes.  Grounds warmed by early sunshine turns muddy, and refreezes. Those happy green sprouts succumb to cooling temperatures and frostbite. The birds that have arrived in larger numbers suddenly find themselves in a mad scramble looking for food that is promised with the warmer weather. Strays and homeless are already pregnant.

March is roaring in, and sometimes March roars for the entire month. Leaving many animals (wild, domestic and farm) in tragic conditions.

Did you know?

  • There are roughly 7 million stray dogs and cats in the U.S. at any given time. And that’s just in the United States.
  • Many people will not take in a stray dog or cat, especially during mild weather, and even during bad weather.
  • There are many people who will not even call to report an animal left outside.

When talking about stray (homeless, ownerless) animals, the majority of people take this to mean dogs and cats.  But common stray animals are not the only animals to be negatively impacted by the harsh weather and circumstance.  ANY animal (including wild animals and birds) can have a difficult time, depending on their environment and their health.

Never turn your back on any animal in distress or in danger. Of course, the species of animal and the situation should always be taken into thoughtful consideration before you make the decision to aide that animal yourself.  Even a stray dog or cat can be a possible risk to you if that animal is ill or becomes frightened when trying to approach it.  Not sure? Call your local authority. But NEVER turn your back on any animal in distress or in danger.

Many people, and animals, love the change of seasons. A crisp, crystal clear snowy day or a snowy-blowy night is something many enjoy and look forward to. Unless you’re an animal who is forgotten, kept outdoors 24/7, dumped, injured, hungry, cold, wet, stray, feral… add your own description here.

Unfortunately, many people think that leaving pets outside day and night in the Pre- and Post- Winter and Winter season without basic care and attention is enough.  The days and nights leading up to and after Winter can be miserable on animals in general, not to mention Winter itself.

  • Lack of always-available clean, fresh, cold water – it’s a myth that animals can “drink snow” to stay hydrated. Many animals die every year from winter dehydration. Licking snow and ice does not prevent dehydration. A heated birdbath that can be placed on the ground is a great way to ensure a steady supply of unfrozen water. Be sure to clean it as winter water can still get dirty.
  • Lack of appropriate shelter from the elements – frost, cold rain, sleet, snow, hail, and wind. Animals can also get sunburn in the winter.
  • Lack of appropriate winter coat (and don’t forget to bundle up your pet when taking him/her to the vet, for a walk, to the car).
  • Lack of alleviation for allergy symptoms – yep, animals suffer from winter and food allergies also
  • Lack of boredom alleviation from being kept in the same spot every day
  • Food (and dish bowls with uneaten food) that sits out all day runs risk of becoming frozen, lost in the snow and ice and can attract other animals
  • Unhygienic environments when an animal is forced to void, sleep, eat and pace in the same  area

Not to mention (but we’re going to)

  • Seasonal colds from damp, frozen wet grounds and cold temperatures, and the fluctuating temperatures leading up to Spring
  • Dehydration
  • Sunburn
  • Blisters, cut and sensitive spots on paws from cold, frozen ground (a pacing animal that walks in the same spots every day does NOT warm the ground s/he is walking on).
  • Paw irritations and injuries from salt, and other de-icing products
  • Allergies
  • Hunger and thirst – many people don’t realize the number of animals who are deemed “outside animals” are FORGOTTEN more than one would think for regular feedings

By now, mostly everyone is aware about the importance of NEVER leaving ANY animal in a closed car on a hot day. The same goes for leaving animals unattended in cars on a super-cold day. If you’re cold – so are they. Remember, if YOU see ANY animal in an unhealthy, unsafe situation, JUST DO SOMETHING.  Your action may be THE action to save a life.

“Fur” Real?

Many people have the misconception that because an animal has fur, that they are immune to cold weather tragedies. Not true! Even domestic animals that are left outside too long can suffer from frostbite and hypothermia.

  • Even well meaning pet owners may not realize they should not simply put their animal outside for prolonged periods of time during the Winter. This is especially true for new pet owners who may not yet be well educated on environmental pet care and for elderly pet owners who may forget from time to time the importance of routinely checking on their pets once they are outside.
  • Take the time to speak up if you see a domestic animal staying outside for too long. Especially those that are routinely chained in one place.
    It matters to that animal.
  • Domestic pets that are in-door animals, should be limited in the amount of time spent outside in ANY element.
  • If it’s cold enough for you to feel it and be affected, then chances are you pet is being affected too.  Invite your pet inside for some warming time.
  • If it’s cold enough for you to wear a jacket, then chances are your pet needs one also.
  • Humans have boots; animals have paws.  Although the bottom of your pet’s paws may feel rough, they are sensitive to cold (and hot).  Cold surfaces like pavement and  tarred driveways can burn and blister, cause frostbite, stones can tear and scrape, and other rough surfaces can do damage – AS CAN SALT AND OTHER DE-ICING PRODUCTS (and make your pet sick if s/he licks their paws after they come indoors).  Most domestic animals dislike “booties”, so simply pay attention to the amount of time your pet is walking on surfaces that can cause irritation and injury, and take the time to gently wipe off  paws after being outdoors.  Especially if your pet has environmental allergies, which Winter falls under.  A quick paw-soak or bath after playing in the snow can be a very soothing allergy-symptom reliever.  NOTE:  If your pet appears to be dealing with sore paws from winter irritation or allergy,  causing licking, itching, and/or causing your pet to act unlike him or herself, a vet visit is in store.
    Always be on the look-out for frostbite or hypothermia.
  • Is it a Winter cold rainy or snowy day? No-one likes to sit around and be soggy. Any soft, clean absorbent towel is great for drying off your pet after outdoor time.  Be sure to routinely wash any toweling used to dry your pet.
  • Speaking of drying off, if you plan on taking your pet to a dog park or swimming area in the colder weather, watch for signs of stress, hypothermia and/or infection. 

Remember, YOU can just do something!  

  1. First, always SPEAK UP.
    Keep your eyes and ears open.  If you become aware of a situation where ANY animal is in distress or danger, JUST DO SOMETHING about it. Call local authorities and WAIT until someone comes to the animal’s aide. You may be the ONLY witness and/or the ONLY one to help that animal in that situation. Don’t be nervous or worried if you have to report an act of animal abuse or neglect. YOU are their voice.If you are not sure about what you think you see, call for help anyway. You might be saving a life.
  2. Provide shelter.
    If bringing the animal inside your home is not an option, help him/her survive the cold by providing shelter such as a sturdy cardboard box or large Tupperware bin (cut a hole for an entry way) lined with a good amount of straw (straw is the main insulator that rescuers use when helping out strays or domestic outdoor animals who stay outside). Straw provides a soft but effective barrier against the cold, keeps warmth in (if you pile it in a good amount), is pliable enough so animals can burrow and surround themselves with it, and does not mold quickly. Don’t bother with towels and blankets as these will get wet in a storm and freeze. Enticing the animal into your garage will also work.  Ensure proper bedding for warmth, as garages usually are not heated. When possible, change the straw. Make sure that harmful products normally stored in the garage are completely out of the way. Cars should never be running in the garage at any time if there is an animal in there! This is also a good time to mention that strays (especially cats) will find warmth during the winter in many unlikely places – so check under your car and in your car wheel-wells before driving off; parked cars provide warmth and shelter, so it’s a common place for a cold, homeless animal to seek out.
  3. Provide food and water.
    Did you know that many pet owners think that SNOW is a great substitute for water? Not true! If you’re uber committed to providing water in the winter, invest in a heated bird bath. Place it on the ground, for all to have access to.
    Check out this informational about WATER in the winter!
    Your knowledge on this COULD save a life.Providing stray animals with fresh, clean (dry) food and water can help them survive the cold because they will need to use less energy to scrounge up their dinner. A well-fed, well hydrated animal is also better prepared to fight off illness and infection. Steer clear of canned food as it is more likely to freeze when the temperatures drop. And check on water sources frequently for the same reason.
  • If you do take in a stray animal, make sure your first stop is with a licensed veterinarian who can assess the animal for diseases and make sure that it is immunized and safe to be around your children or other pets.
  • If you don’t want to bring the stray to a shelter, reach out to your local rescue groups to see if someone can take him/her.

Do you feed the birds in the winter?

GREAT, and thank you!  In addition to providing them with fresh water (see #3), make sure that once you start putting out bird food, that you KEEP doing it through the wintry months up until the true warmer weather begins to stay.  Why? Once a bird finds a winter food source, it will become dependent on being able to forage in that same area as an expected food source.  Birds need to eat at least a much as it’s total body weight in food EVERY day just to survive another day of winter.  The energy a bird takes to find food can become a deadly race to store energy OR go find a new food source.  So, feed the birds in the same place, every day.

Not sure what kind of bird food is the best? During the winter, for the birds, it’s all about conserving energy and maintaining a healthy, daily weight.  Best food for that is ANYTHING that does not have to be de-shelled or broken apart. Sunflower chips, peanut butter, peanut chips, and suet are Number One go-to’s for most Northern birds. Forget the bread and standard bag of bird seed – bread is harmful to most birds and ducks, and the round millet that comes in standard bird seed is not eaten by many wild birds; it looks like a lot of bird food in one bag, but a lot of it is filler.

Smear peanut butter on tree branches and rocks. Roll some sunflower chips with peanut butter, and put these little yummy ball treats out for all the birds to enjoy. Hang suet from feeders out of reach of squirrels. Anything you spread on the ground (nuts, seeds, chips) should be spread in an area that you can keep clear of snow as best you can. Little birds have a hard time “digging” in the snow for the bits and pieces – and that takes energy away from them.  Make a point to clear snow out from your bird feeding area every day when possible. And, spread it out! Some birds are safer and will more readily eat closer to bushes than out in the open. Larger birds will push away the smaller birds – spreading out the food ensures that more birds will have a chance to eat.

Do you want to feed the ducks in the winter? A bag of corn works better than bread.

Animals can die in ANY weather depending on the situation.  Early Spring and Late Winter is no different.

No animal should suffer so horribly or needlessly.

You can help prevent that by doing right by any animal in need. Remember, not every “outdoor dog” you see chained is actually an outdoor dog. And not all cats are feral. Cats dumped during the winter months will most likely succumb to the elements, starvation or dehydration. Whatever you see, check it out and JUST DO SOMETHING – you may be the one person to save or better an animal’s life.

For animals, it pays to remember that March, indeed, comes in like a lion. YOU may not be feeling the roar of winter leaving, but many, many animals do, and will.

What are you doing to help animals during the last weeks of Winter?

Share it with us, and we’ll pass it around! Your endeavors might just help someone else save a life…or just keep one warm!

Thank YOU for taking the time to keep your eyes open, and JUST DO SOMETHING for those that cannot speak for, or defend, themselves.

It matters.

Animal Advocacy Founder signature Janet Bovitz Sandefur



Animal Advocacy logo Janet Bovitz Sandefur

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